CRDC manages a variety of small business loan funds targeted to growing New Hampshire businesses throughout New Hampshire.  After an analysis of the potential borrowers needs, the CRDC loan officer will work closely with your banker to determine the best program to assist the project. The program is designed as a small business problem solving fund and CRDC can be flexible in tailoring the loan to meet the needs of the borrower. The following are general program terms:


For information please contact Chuck Gilboy or Jennifer Boulanger
CRDC • (603) 651-0679 or (603) 369-6147

Capital Regional Development Council Practices Equal Treatment of Clients
CRDC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, disability, age or national origin in services or accommodations offered or provided to our employees, clients or guests. These policies and this notice comply with regulations of the United States Government. Violations of this policy may be mailed to: Administrator, Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. 20416.